Support Ibrahim Ministries International

Every supporter counts! We know the names of people who support IMI even to the amount of $5 every month; we thank the Lord for them and pray for them by name. It might not sound like much, but the regular and faithful giving of these small amounts allows IMI to continue.
Your generous monthly support will allow us to continue to train and prepare materials for evangelism and discipleship. If you have any concerns about internet security you can download the donation form. For all other enquirers, please contact IMI on +61 7 3356 1884

Online Donation

$5/monthless than $2/week

$10/month less than $3/week or a cup of coffee

$20/month about $5/week

$30/month $1 a day


about $12/week

You choose

Any amount will help

Click to Download Mail Form

We recognize that not everyone can continue their generous support of the ministry to Muslims.